An IT day on the 11th of June for selected Thai guests representing government organizations and private Thai software companiesมันสมอง In recent years the value of exports in services generated by the ICT services sector has shown considerable growth in Hungaryมันสมอง Hungarian ICT services grew with an annual average of 6.4% between 2010 and 2017, reaching EUR 1.955 billion in 2017, that is, 8.2% of total exports in services in Hungaryมันสมอง All the participating speakers and companies of the event were experts of various areas of the IT landscape representing well-established companies who are exporting their products and services on the EU market. There were two experts introducing the basics of the blockchain theories and possible IT applications and a detailed roll out of the industry 4.0 transformation for a potential Thai manufacturerมันสมอง Among the product and services, we have heard about a banking solution which provides transaction processing on a micro-task level with the help of machine learning and crowdsourcing in a completely secure PII free mannerมันสมอง There were two SAS service solutions, an IoT based health tracking service which collected already more than 200 million data of patients in Hungary and a real-time supply chain management service working for the large European manufacturers and logistic service providers. Having understood Thailand’s main goal to establish a new S-curve digital industry, the Hungarian companies would like to support the digital transformation of Thailandมันสมอง They are looking for local partners to team up with in setting up or expanding their presence in Thailand. PR NewsEmbassy of HungaryHungarian Foreign Trade×681.jpg