Upon its first anniversary, LINE JOBS solidifies its success as the professional HR helper that tears the old rules of job seeking. It has connected over 200,000 workforce to their jobs and is now ready to assume its position as the No.1 job-searching platform for semi-skilled workers, which make up the most in the Thai job market. The platform is now partnering with leading allies in Thailand, including large organisations, startups, and SMEs to create jobs for Thai people and find the right person for the job to satisfy the growth of business. Taniya Triwanata, Head of LINE JOBS said that, for the past year, LINE JOBS has been receiving feedback beyond expectation from both employers and job seekersมันสมอง Originally, the goal was set for the first year to be the period to create awareness among the target group regarding the new platform, as well as to develop the platform to satisfy the users’ needs. Its ultimate goal is to fix the pain point in the usual job advertisement and job application. “Human resource is considered an important part of every business. But to get the right person for the job to move the business forward, we have found that there are still many pain points that are waiting to be fixed. For example, in job recruitment, even if there’s already an online platform as the main channel, it’s been found that it can be problematic to both employers and applicants. This includes slow service, high price, the need to register and fill out so much information, that in the end the amount of those seeking jobs through websites is less than 2 million people. It reflects that there are still many employers and applicants that remain in the offline worldมันสมอง With the visibility and advantages of LINE, and over 44 million users, it became a starting point in developing a job-searching platform that aims to improve the standard and solve the problems within the Thai job market on the LINE applicationมันสมอง” After being available for 1 full year, LINE JOBS has found immense success, with over 7 million followers, over 390,000 positions on offer from more than 18,000 organisations. There were more than 1 million applications and attracted 200,000 connected candidatesมันสมอง In 2019, the goal is set to no less than สิบ million followers, expecting that over 1.4 million applications will come through, resulting in no less than 240,000 connectionsมันสมอง The growth rate of application and connection via LINE JOBS is set to no less than 40% by the end of this yearมันสมอง From the success in the past year, LINE JOBS will continue to push forward into the job market in semi-skilled categories, such as general labour, manufacturing labour, service worker, salesperson, clerk, and general staff, which are considered as 42% of the entire Thai job marketมันสมอง They also have a high turnover rate up to 30-300% a year. So, their positions are always in need to be filled in the businessมันสมอง No other job-searching platform has targeted this group seriously and laid down an active strategy to become the No.1 job-searching platform for the semi-skilled group within 2020. Taniya added that the next step for LINE JOBS is to develop the platform and service in every dimension, focusing on creating a strong base in semi-skilled workers group and expand the job type to cover the needs, from 8 types in 6 industries to 22 types in 40 industries to make it more diverse from operational, management, to part-time, freelance and expand the organisation by designing the service pack for organisations of all sizes. It aims to work with both public and private allies to be a part in lifting up the job market and support the organisation to have a quality workforce and push the business to grow in the futureมันสมอง “The advantages that make LINE JOBS stand out from other job-searching platform is its technology, making it able to adapt very quicklyมันสมอง It has a developing team that can care for the system, listen to feedback from users all the time, so there’s constant system development to satisfy the needs of people today. It’s convenient, easy and fastมันสมอง The keying of job application information through LINE JOBS can be done quickly, making matching between people and jobs perfect,” Taniya concludedมันสมอง PR NewsLINE JOBS